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雲端資料鑑識 :  重建雲端通訊

雲端鑑識是一種鑑識科學,它包含了恢復及調查以https為基礎的加密是雲端服務,例如Google Drive, Gmail, Office 365, Facebook,這些服務常常與電腦犯罪有關聯。當我們在辨別電腦犯罪的直接證據時,雲端鑑識能夠幫助將犯罪證據歸類於特定的嫌疑犯、確認說詞及聲明、判斷意圖、辨別資源或文件認證。

Cloud forensics is a branch of forensic science encompassing the recovery and investigation of material found in https-based encrypted cloud services such as Google Drive, Gmail, Office 365, Facebook, often in relation to computer crime. As well as identifying direct evidence of a crime, cloud forensics can be used to attribute evidence to specific suspects, confirm alibis or statements, determine intent, identify sources, or authenticate documents.

​惡意程式分析 : 進階型的威脅以SoftASIC建立的協同防禦

Malware Analysis


​勒索軟體及其他進階攻擊擁有高度協調性的運送手段,且運用在web及email來尋找你的防禦弱點。我們的InstantGuard有效 第一時間辨識及分類

Ransomware and other advanced threats involve highly-coordinated delivery methods that shift between web and email channels in search of a weakness in your defenses. L7's InstantGuard provides effective security by first identifying and secondly classifying information to deliver real-time security ratings to both web and email traffic. InstantGuard’s eight threat assessment areas and unique composite scoring process protect against emerging threats — including the most advanced zero-day attacks and APTs — while improving productivity and compliance through strong outbound content visibility and containment controls.

Transparent Https Inspection


Today’s cyber attackers are stepping up their attempts to compromise both web and email—secure only one and an adversary will enter from the other. These attackers set ransomware traps to steal critical data only to demand a hefty price for its return.

L7 protects networks from the most advanced threats while saving valuable time and resources. With automated classifying and sand-boxing the traffic, zero-day updates to you maintain the highest level of protection.

Cloud Content Security: Fight against cyber attackers

Today’s cyber attackers are stepping up their attempts to compromise both web and email—secure only one and an adversary will enter from the other. These attackers set ransomware traps to steal critical data only to demand a hefty price for its return.

L7 protects networks from the most advanced threats while saving valuable time and resources. With automated classifying and sand-boxing the traffic, zero-day updates to you maintain the highest level of protection.

Cloud Content Security: Fight against cyber attackers

Today’s cyber attackers are stepping up their attempts to compromise both web and email—secure only one and an adversary will enter from the other. These attackers set ransomware traps to steal critical data only to demand a hefty price for its return.

L7 protects networks from the most advanced threats while saving valuable time and resources. With automated classifying and sand-boxing the traffic, zero-day updates to you maintain the highest level of protection.

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